How to Craft a Winning Webinar Strategy
in 2023 and Beyond
Webinar registrants overwhelmingly embraced real-time experiences in the last year, attending webinars live 65% of the time (compared to 39% in 2019).
While some in the event space claim we're in a state of webinar-fatigue, our 2022 Benchmark Report for Webinars data proves that’s not the case.
In this webinar, our panel of experts from Bloomberg, Market MindShift, Mindcurrent, & Notified look into the latest webinar data and share how to:
- Implement the latest trends into your webinar strategy
- Leverage the data to build a stronger experience
- Keep up with evolving audience behaviors

"Great platform with streamlined solutions and a plethora of customizable options."

"Great customer service and easy to use platform."

"Great experience with planning and executing our live webcasted event."